Starting the Journey

Starting the Journey
This is how I started my journey (taken in May 2009)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And then life got in the way...

“And then life gets in the way.” It’s a common phrase. We hear it so often, when others speak of life’s turns that seem to derail or detour their journey. We use it so often ourselves. I found myself using that just a few nights ago, when my Aunt Kathy e-mailed saying how much she had enjoyed my blog and wishing that I would write again.

I sat there quietly in the glow of my computer monitor thinking, “And then life got in my way.” I had moved from Buffalo to Independence, MO. I took a new job. I moved in with my boyfriend. I said goodbye to friends and family and said hello to a new city, new people, and new way of living. Everything was new. I was seemingly detoured in the newness.

Of course, the newness didn’t just detour my ability to sit and write about my journey; it detoured my journey itself. I will own my detour into Fat Guy behavior. For the last Three weeks since moving; starting my new life, I slipped back into my old. I exercised thrice (I say it fancy like to stress the importance of this). I drank half a soda during my first day at work. Was it the stress? Was it the freedom of nobody knowing that I had sworn off the devious delight of Dr Pepper?

I didn’t completely fall off that wagon, but I feel. I was still holding on, being dragged down my journey. Clinging on for dear life, my knuckles white, and my arms sore I swung my legs up and pulled my body back on. Yesterday I settled back into my old new life. I got re-accounted with Jillian Michaels doing level one of the 30 Day Shred. My arms and legs are very angry with me today. This didn’t stop me from stretching into some high impact cardio Yoga after work today. I am still instituting good eating habits; breaking up my meals and trying to keep with making healthy choices. Water is once again my poison of choice. “I’m back baby!” To quote George Castanza.

I may be back. I may be on that wagon again. However, I need to pay attention to this lesson. Just because life changes does not mean that my good habits have to. So often we use these changes as an excuse to fall back into bad habits. “Once I get settled I’ll start working out.” “When this big project is over I’ll eat better.” “When I take care of this problem, I’ll then focus on my health.” We’ve heard them all. A job, baby, marriage, break up, death, illness, promotion, work project, jobless, the holidays….etc. Whatever life tosses our way. We need to swing at those curve balls and not run and hide in the dugout. We came to play. Just because the game changes a little doesn’t mean we fall back.

This is something I have to remember. “And then life got in the way,” is not a reason; It’s merely an excuse. It’s an excuse for me to take the easy way out instead of dusting off my uniform and playing the game. So, “I’m back baby!”