Starting the Journey

Starting the Journey
This is how I started my journey (taken in May 2009)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Quick and Easy Way

The only way we can get healthy and stay healthy is through good old American hard work. We have to embrace that Protestant Work Ethic that has defined Early Americans. However, Current Americans are not looking for putting in the time and effort. We want the quick and easy fix. Now, this may seem centralistic and it may be; however, I am sure if we truly examine the current American Culture we see evidence of Quick and Easy all around us.

This became evident to me as I sat in a Marriot hotel room at 5:30 a.m. I have been up for an hour and already hit the gym. I sat on the bed eating fruit and drinking a protein shake for breakfast and listening to the TV. Early morning TV is known for its infomercials. I sometimes enjoy those early morning infomercials; however, this morning was one about a quick and easy way of losing weight. In the true fashion of diet pills and lap band surgery this product offers weight loss without having to eat healthy or work out.

Imagine getting the results of the weight melting off without doing ANY of the work? It sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? Not make ANY changes! Don’t learn to make healthy choices! Never learn how to build a healthy lifestyle to serve as a model to your friends and family. You take the easy way out and reap the short term benefits of weight loss without work.

As I sat there after my 30 minute cardio work out, thinking about last night’s Yoga work out, and eating my healthy breakfast I couldn’t help to think about how the last 18 months of my journey would have been like if I just bought this magical product and continued on my pre-healthy lifestyle way? Yes, I may have lost weight, but I wouldn’t have learned good habits. I would have lost the weight; however, continue to eat unhealthy. Little known fact to the general public Skinny People have unhealthy habits that cause them significant health issues like High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Heart Disease, and Diabetes. While heavy weight contributes to these conditions a continued unhealthy lifestyle enables these conditions to take hold of an individual. As someone working in health care I have seen thin patients experiencing the same issues as heavy patients.

Taking the easy way out won’t fix the situation. In fact taking the easy way out is how I got into the mess in the first place. After all isn’t it easier to eat WHATEVER I want, not exercise, and not participate in a healthy lifestyle?

So, as I sit here listening to individuals praise the quick fix: the new mantra of the current American people, I wonder how this mentality contributed to me becoming a fat guy? I sit back and wonder at what point will these quick and easy fixes become less attractive; even to me? I would be a liar if I didn’t say I googled the product to find out information on success rates. Even I am seduced by the quick and easy. However, if I embrace that way of thinking I’ll quickly and easily slip back into my fat guy ways.