Starting the Journey

Starting the Journey
This is how I started my journey (taken in May 2009)

Monday, May 20, 2013

I exercise because...blah blah blah

It’s like a broken record! I exercise, because I want to be healthy, lose weight, tone, increase fitness levels, and manage stress…blah…blah...blah… I even make myself want to vomit sometimes when I go on and on about how exercise is good for physical and emotional well-being. While these are true motivators/outcomes of regular engagement in athletic/exercise activities, they cannot be the only reason so many sweat away hours of the week.

Think about community sports; volleyball, softball, soccer, touch football, roller derby…etc, Yoga studios, Kickboxing/Boxing gyms, and other athletically inclined businesses and organizations.  People stay engaged in physical activity for more than health reasons. I was thinking about this during my boxing class. I was 75% done with tonight’s class. My body dunked in a bath of salty sweat.  I gasped through a fusion of fatigue and exhilaration. I thought what drove me back to boxing?  What kept me pushing myself in this way?

There are so many other, WAY less intense,  ways to get my daily dose of 60 minutes of moderate to intense exercise per the American Medical Association (stupid doctors!). Why boxing? For that matter why Yoga? Why swimming? Why Tennis? Why soccer? Why running marathons? Why any sport/exercise?  Why are children forced into organized torture sessions known as high school PE classes? Why?  Isn't it easy just to walk?  Why participate in the difficult/grueling nature of atheltics?

It couldn’t merely be the exercise could it? I know being healthy is important, but there has to be more.  I thought about myself. What was I getting out of the different exercise practices I participate in?  What was keeping me tuned in?  Let's examine this.

From my Yoga practice I get a deeper understanding of who I am. I am a typical “Type A Personality” or for those that follow the Zodiac, a Scorpio. Yoga helps me understand I am full of Pitta (hope I’m spelling that right), which means I’m full of fire. I am driven, goal centered, and determined. All this sums up in someone that is very stubburn and never gives up (just ask anyone that has argued with me). 

Yoga bestows understanding of my personality and the tools to to channel it in positive ways.  Also it teaches ways to counter that piece of myself. As well, Yoga provides me a time of reflection. It’s a time where I can commune with me and God. My Yoga practice allows me the time to go deep within myself and push out the external distractions pulling me away from the connection with self and discussion with God.

From boxing I practice my active listening skills with the rapid changes from move to move. As well, I am learning to multitask, while still building my focus. I have to protect myself, while finding opportunities to look for opportunities for a strike. My body is constantly in motion, as is my brain. It’s truly an exercise of brain and physical power. I get more than an amazing physical workout from boxing.

With boxing there is, also, this sense of team with my classmates. We cheer each other on to work to meet the demands of our instructor (coach). There are high-fives and “go girls” thrown around that gym. It’s funny that a sport associated with violence builds this community among those of us who do it.

I could examine all types of exercise/athletic pursuits to see all the things beyond the physical that keeps me coming back for me. Focus, team building, self-reflection…etc are just some of those things that make sure I get my sweat on! What keeps you coming back for me?

Today’s Food:

Breakfast – Bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats

Lunch – Slice of Cheese Pizza and Orange

Dinner – Cereal, Strawberries and almond milk

Snacks – single serving of almonds, half a slice of chocolate banana bread (I made it homemade), and tangerine fruit bar

Today’s Exercise:

20 minute power walk with Milo at lunch time

60 minute boxing class at UFC Gym

20 laps in the pool

Today’s Treat:

20 minutes soaking in the hot tub listening to “The Great Gatsby” soundtrack after boxing

Today’s “What I like about me!”

I am an awesome girlfriend! Yep, I said it! I love my man and he knows that.

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